Date of project: 14 June 2021 - 26 June 2022
Location: Gardens by the Bay

This is where we first introduced Billy the hornbill to Otah’s world! Similar to the mission-based, escape room format in the first outlet, Blast Off also follows a format of a 15 mins pre-show, an extended 25 mins game time and 15 mins post show + reward. However, this time, we integrated more interactive tech components to enhance the gameplay! This was really popular amongst younger kids (3-6 y/o) and boys! The secret basketball room was also a hit!

Mission: It’s build-a-rocket day at school! Help Otah and Billy assemble a rocket, unlock the launch control centre and blast off into space! 

Size: 2,000+ sqft

Ticket price: $24/ Individual & $95/ Group of 5